The Future of Off-Premise Dining

Generated on 18th May 2022

From ‘dark kitchens’ to ubiquitous delivery brands and grocery on-demand, where, what and how we all eat is undergoing significant and rapid change.

In a collaborative project, put together in partnership with McCain, we have been looking out to 2030 to explore and define how Off-Premise Dining might further evolve, and which of the multiple current trends are likely to stick? The emerging view is a first step toward answering the question. It reflects the key insights gathered from interviews and in-depth workshops with key industry stakeholders in Europe, the Americas and Asia, as well as the Future Agenda database and synthesised desk research.

The fight for future market share is already well underway, and significant bets are being placed on a wide range of future opportunities; from health-focused vending machines, through increasingly sophisticated mobile apps, to personalisation of food flavours. With so many significant shifts taking place simultaneously across the entire off-premise dining value chain, there will inevitably be winners and losers. We hope our insights can serve as a jumping off point for further discussion as to where the winners might emerge.

As with all Future Agenda projects, the aim is to challenge assumptions, identify emerging trends, and build an informed assessment of the changes ahead and their implications for strategy, policy, innovation and action.

If you’d like to be involved and add your views into the mix please do get in touch