The World In 2025
These are the key insights from this programme which suggest key shifts for The World in 2025
Event Locations
Accelerated Displacement (2025)
Accelerated Displacement (2025)
Climate change, conflict, resource shortages, inequality and political elites unable…
Climate change, conflict, resource shortages, inequality and political elites unable…
Climate change, conflict, resource shortages, inequality and political elites unable or unwilling to bring about necessary change all trigger unprecedented…
Climate change, conflict, resource shortages, inequality and political elites unable or unwilling to bring about necessary change all trigger unprecedented migration to the North. Over the next 50 years, as…
Climate change, conflict, resource shortages, inequality and political elites unable or unwilling to bring about necessary change all trigger unprecedented migration to the North. Over the next 50 years, as many as 1 billion people could be on the move.…
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Access to Transport (2025)
Access to Transport (2025)
The widespread need for individuals to travel short distances becomes…
The widespread need for individuals to travel short distances becomes…
The widespread need for individuals to travel short distances becomes a key feature of urban design and regeneration. Planners use…
The widespread need for individuals to travel short distances becomes a key feature of urban design and regeneration. Planners use transport infrastructure to influence social change and lower carbon living.…
The widespread need for individuals to travel short distances becomes a key feature of urban design and regeneration. Planners use transport infrastructure to influence social change and lower carbon living. The impact that transport has had on society is all…
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Africa Growth (2025)
Africa Growth (2025)
With a land mass bigger than India, China, the US…
With a land mass bigger than India, China, the US…
With a land mass bigger than India, China, the US and Europe combined, few doubt the scale of the African…
With a land mass bigger than India, China, the US and Europe combined, few doubt the scale of the African continent and its resources. However, until recently only some have…
With a land mass bigger than India, China, the US and Europe combined, few doubt the scale of the African continent and its resources. However, until recently only some have seen it as the growth market that it is fast…
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Agelessness (2025)
Agelessness (2025)
A person’s physical age becomes less important as society adapts…
A person’s physical age becomes less important as society adapts…
A person’s physical age becomes less important as society adapts to the new demographic landscape. New opportunities arise for creators…
A person’s physical age becomes less important as society adapts to the new demographic landscape. New opportunities arise for creators and consumers of all ages, though benefits are often only…
A person’s physical age becomes less important as society adapts to the new demographic landscape. New opportunities arise for creators and consumers of all ages, though benefits are often only for the wealthy. “Chronological age is completely irrelevant”, says Sarah…
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Air Quality (2025)
Air Quality (2025)
Rising air pollution in many cities is killing people and…
Rising air pollution in many cities is killing people and…
Rising air pollution in many cities is killing people and becomes a visible catalyst for changing mind-sets and policies across…
Rising air pollution in many cities is killing people and becomes a visible catalyst for changing mind-sets and policies across health, energy, transportation and urban design. Delhi, Patna, Gwailor and…
Rising air pollution in many cities is killing people and becomes a visible catalyst for changing mind-sets and policies across health, energy, transportation and urban design. Delhi, Patna, Gwailor and Raipur: the four most polluted cities in the world, and…
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Autonomous Vehicles (2025)
Autonomous Vehicles (2025)
The shift to fully autonomous transport is an evolution via…
The shift to fully autonomous transport is an evolution via…
The shift to fully autonomous transport is an evolution via truck platoons on highways and small urban delivery pods. Connected…
The shift to fully autonomous transport is an evolution via truck platoons on highways and small urban delivery pods. Connected cars create the network and test the technologies for the…
The shift to fully autonomous transport is an evolution via truck platoons on highways and small urban delivery pods. Connected cars create the network and test the technologies for the eventual revolutionary driverless experience. The concept of self-driving, autonomous vehicles…
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Basic Sanitation (2025)
Basic Sanitation (2025)
Poor sanitation continues to impact public health and restrict social…
Poor sanitation continues to impact public health and restrict social…
Poor sanitation continues to impact public health and restrict social progress, particularly for women. Governments and donor organisations prioritise measurement,…
Poor sanitation continues to impact public health and restrict social progress, particularly for women. Governments and donor organisations prioritise measurement, education and innovation in a bid to drive change. Although…
Poor sanitation continues to impact public health and restrict social progress, particularly for women. Governments and donor organisations prioritise measurement, education and innovation in a bid to drive change. Although investments in sanitation can reduce disease, increase family incomes, keep…
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Capitalism Challenged (2025)
Capitalism Challenged (2025)
Unable to shake key issues like inequality, capitalist societies face…
Unable to shake key issues like inequality, capitalist societies face…
Unable to shake key issues like inequality, capitalist societies face cries for change, structural challenges and technology enabled freedoms. Together…
Unable to shake key issues like inequality, capitalist societies face cries for change, structural challenges and technology enabled freedoms. Together these re-write the rules and propose a more participative, collaborative…
Unable to shake key issues like inequality, capitalist societies face cries for change, structural challenges and technology enabled freedoms. Together these re-write the rules and propose a more participative, collaborative landscape of all working together. Capitalism is under siege from…
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Care in the Community (2025)
Care in the Community (2025)
The desire to ‘age-in-place’ meets a healthcare reform agenda that…
The desire to ‘age-in-place’ meets a healthcare reform agenda that…
The desire to ‘age-in-place’ meets a healthcare reform agenda that promotes decentralization. A new care model is customer-centric, caregiver-focused and…
The desire to ‘age-in-place’ meets a healthcare reform agenda that promotes decentralization. A new care model is customer-centric, caregiver-focused and enhances coordination across care settings. Most people, when given the…
The desire to ‘age-in-place’ meets a healthcare reform agenda that promotes decentralization. A new care model is customer-centric, caregiver-focused and enhances coordination across care settings. Most people, when given the choice, would elect to stay in their homes and in…
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Caring For Those Left Behind (2025)
Caring For Those Left Behind (2025)
Although significant progress has been made positive change has limited…
Although significant progress has been made positive change has limited…
Although significant progress has been made positive change has limited reach. Millions of people continue to be left behind from mainstream…
Although significant progress has been made positive change has limited reach. Millions of people continue to be left behind from mainstream progress - especially the young, the poor and those who…
Although significant progress has been made positive change has limited reach. Millions of people continue to be left behind from mainstream progress - especially the young, the poor and those who are disadvantaged. Progress has always been a pretty bumpy journey;…
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Changing Nature of Privacy (2025)
Changing Nature of Privacy (2025)
As privacy is a public issue, more international frameworks seek…
As privacy is a public issue, more international frameworks seek…
As privacy is a public issue, more international frameworks seek to govern the Internet, protect the vulnerable and secure personal…
As privacy is a public issue, more international frameworks seek to govern the Internet, protect the vulnerable and secure personal data: The balance between protection, security, privacy and public good…
As privacy is a public issue, more international frameworks seek to govern the Internet, protect the vulnerable and secure personal data: The balance between protection, security, privacy and public good is increasingly political. In 2016 the privacy conversation is still…
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Citizen-Centric Cities (2025)
Citizen-Centric Cities (2025)
Successful cities will be designed around the needs and desires…
Successful cities will be designed around the needs and desires…
Successful cities will be designed around the needs and desires of increasingly empowered and enabled citizens - who are expecting…
Successful cities will be designed around the needs and desires of increasingly empowered and enabled citizens - who are expecting personalized services from the organisations that serve them. If we…
Successful cities will be designed around the needs and desires of increasingly empowered and enabled citizens - who are expecting personalized services from the organisations that serve them. If we are going to live in cities, then we will certainly…
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Companies with Purpose (2025)
Companies with Purpose (2025)
As trust in ‘business’ declines, structures and practices of large…
As trust in ‘business’ declines, structures and practices of large…
As trust in ‘business’ declines, structures and practices of large corporations are under scrutiny. Businesses come under greater pressure to…
As trust in ‘business’ declines, structures and practices of large corporations are under scrutiny. Businesses come under greater pressure to improve performance on environmental, social and governance issues. Today, particularly…
As trust in ‘business’ declines, structures and practices of large corporations are under scrutiny. Businesses come under greater pressure to improve performance on environmental, social and governance issues. Today, particularly in Anglo-American markets, many see that it is the responsibility…
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Creative Economy (2025)
Creative Economy (2025)
The creative economy helps to build inclusive and sustainable cultures.…
The creative economy helps to build inclusive and sustainable cultures.…
The creative economy helps to build inclusive and sustainable cultures. What’s more, it generates wealth. To build scale it requires…
The creative economy helps to build inclusive and sustainable cultures. What’s more, it generates wealth. To build scale it requires a workforce comfortable with collaboration, critical thinking and the ability…
The creative economy helps to build inclusive and sustainable cultures. What’s more, it generates wealth. To build scale it requires a workforce comfortable with collaboration, critical thinking and the ability to take a risk. Publishing, film, television, music production, broadcasting,…
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Currencies of Meaning (2025)
Currencies of Meaning (2025)
New trusted currencies of exchange and meaning emerge to better…
New trusted currencies of exchange and meaning emerge to better…
New trusted currencies of exchange and meaning emerge to better facilitate transactions, trade, authentication and validation. Money is complemented by…
New trusted currencies of exchange and meaning emerge to better facilitate transactions, trade, authentication and validation. Money is complemented by new systems to which we attach greater significance. In the…
New trusted currencies of exchange and meaning emerge to better facilitate transactions, trade, authentication and validation. Money is complemented by new systems to which we attach greater significance. In the past things were relatively more straightforward. People were known in…
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Data Ownership (2025)
Data Ownership (2025)
Individuals recognize the value of their digital shadows, privacy agents…
Individuals recognize the value of their digital shadows, privacy agents…
Individuals recognize the value of their digital shadows, privacy agents curate clients’ data sets while personal data stores give us…
Individuals recognize the value of their digital shadows, privacy agents curate clients’ data sets while personal data stores give us transparent control of our information: We retain more ownership of…
Individuals recognize the value of their digital shadows, privacy agents curate clients’ data sets while personal data stores give us transparent control of our information: We retain more ownership of our data and opt to share it. As public understanding…
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Declining Government Influence (2025)
Declining Government Influence (2025)
National governments’ ability to lead change comes under greater pressure…
National governments’ ability to lead change comes under greater pressure…
National governments’ ability to lead change comes under greater pressure from both above and below - multinational organisations increasingly set…
National governments’ ability to lead change comes under greater pressure from both above and below - multinational organisations increasingly set the rules while citizens trust and support local and network…
National governments’ ability to lead change comes under greater pressure from both above and below - multinational organisations increasingly set the rules while citizens trust and support local and network based actions. Government and governance itself is in a state…
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Deeper Collaboration (2025)
Deeper Collaboration (2025)
Partnerships shift to become more dynamic, long-term, democratised, multi-party collaborations.…
Partnerships shift to become more dynamic, long-term, democratised, multi-party collaborations.…
Partnerships shift to become more dynamic, long-term, democratised, multi-party collaborations. Competitor alliances and wider public participation drive regulators to create…
Partnerships shift to become more dynamic, long-term, democratised, multi-party collaborations. Competitor alliances and wider public participation drive regulators to create new legal frameworks for open, empathetic collaboration. Given the challenges…
Partnerships shift to become more dynamic, long-term, democratised, multi-party collaborations. Competitor alliances and wider public participation drive regulators to create new legal frameworks for open, empathetic collaboration. Given the challenges we are facing, many see the need for a different…
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Cash continues to be gradually replaced by digital money, providing…
Money is not coins and banknotes; it’s anything that people…
Money is not coins and banknotes; it’s anything that people…
Money is not coins and banknotes; it’s anything that people are willing to use in order to represent systematically the…
Money is not coins and banknotes; it’s anything that people are willing to use in order to represent systematically the value of other things for the purpose of exchanging goods…
Money is not coins and banknotes; it’s anything that people are willing to use in order to represent systematically the value of other things for the purpose of exchanging goods and services. Money enables people to compare quickly and easily…
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Dynamic Pricing (2025)
Dynamic Pricing (2025)
The algorithms of Amazon and Uber cross over to affect…
The algorithms of Amazon and Uber cross over to affect…
The algorithms of Amazon and Uber cross over to affect more businesses, from energy use to parking. Real-time transparency allows…
The algorithms of Amazon and Uber cross over to affect more businesses, from energy use to parking. Real-time transparency allows better purchasing at the same time as margins and yields…
The algorithms of Amazon and Uber cross over to affect more businesses, from energy use to parking. Real-time transparency allows better purchasing at the same time as margins and yields are automatically enhanced. In the past, prices of things, whether…
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Eco-Civilisation (2025)
Eco-Civilisation (2025)
Over the past 40 years China has grown apace, mostly…
Over the past 40 years China has grown apace, mostly…
Over the past 40 years China has grown apace, mostly without concern for long-term environmental impacts. However, now faced with…
Over the past 40 years China has grown apace, mostly without concern for long-term environmental impacts. However, now faced with major challenges, a bright light of sustainable development is emerging. …
Over the past 40 years China has grown apace, mostly without concern for long-term environmental impacts. However, now faced with major challenges, a bright light of sustainable development is emerging. If you ask the man in the street which countries…
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Education Revolution (2025)
Education Revolution (2025)
Broader access to improved education acts as a major catalyst…
Broader access to improved education acts as a major catalyst…
Broader access to improved education acts as a major catalyst for empowerment, sustained economic growth, overcoming inequality and reducing conflict.…
Broader access to improved education acts as a major catalyst for empowerment, sustained economic growth, overcoming inequality and reducing conflict. We need an education system fit for the digital revolution.…
Broader access to improved education acts as a major catalyst for empowerment, sustained economic growth, overcoming inequality and reducing conflict. We need an education system fit for the digital revolution. In schools and institutions across the world questions are…
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Energy Storage (2025)
Energy Storage (2025)
Storage, and particularly electricity storage, is the missing piece in…
Storage, and particularly electricity storage, is the missing piece in…
Storage, and particularly electricity storage, is the missing piece in the renewables jigsaw. If solved, it can enable truly distributed…
Storage, and particularly electricity storage, is the missing piece in the renewables jigsaw. If solved, it can enable truly distributed solar energy as well as accelerate the electrification of the…
Storage, and particularly electricity storage, is the missing piece in the renewables jigsaw. If solved, it can enable truly distributed solar energy as well as accelerate the electrification of the transport industry. After years of rising prices and increasing demand,…
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Enhanced Performance (2025)
Enhanced Performance (2025)
We are developing key technologies that could integrate humans and…
We are developing key technologies that could integrate humans and…
We are developing key technologies that could integrate humans and data to make us safer, more informed and potentially super-human…
We are developing key technologies that could integrate humans and data to make us safer, more informed and potentially super-human in performance - but should we? The idea of human…
We are developing key technologies that could integrate humans and data to make us safer, more informed and potentially super-human in performance - but should we? The idea of human enhancement is not new. For years now we have variously…
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Ethical Machines (2025)
Ethical Machines (2025)
Automation spreads beyond trading and managing systemic risk. As we…
Automation spreads beyond trading and managing systemic risk. As we…
Automation spreads beyond trading and managing systemic risk. As we approach technology singularity, autonomous robots and smarter algorithms make ethical…
Automation spreads beyond trading and managing systemic risk. As we approach technology singularity, autonomous robots and smarter algorithms make ethical judgments that impact life or death. In ten years time,…
Automation spreads beyond trading and managing systemic risk. As we approach technology singularity, autonomous robots and smarter algorithms make ethical judgments that impact life or death. In ten years time, driverless cars will fill our roads, machine-learning algorithms combat disease…
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Everything Connected (2025)
Everything Connected (2025)
Over 1 trillion sensors are connected to multiple networks: everything…
Over 1 trillion sensors are connected to multiple networks: everything…
Over 1 trillion sensors are connected to multiple networks: everything that can benefit from a connection has one. We deliver…
Over 1 trillion sensors are connected to multiple networks: everything that can benefit from a connection has one. We deliver 10,000x more data 100x more effectively but are concerned about…
Over 1 trillion sensors are connected to multiple networks: everything that can benefit from a connection has one. We deliver 10,000x more data 100x more effectively but are concerned about the security of the information that flows. By 2025, there…
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Female Choice Dilemma (2025)
Female Choice Dilemma (2025)
Women in richer economies have greater choice, and with it…
Women in richer economies have greater choice, and with it…
Women in richer economies have greater choice, and with it increased control and influence. This continues to drive change and…
Women in richer economies have greater choice, and with it increased control and influence. This continues to drive change and decision-making but globally the battle for female equality has a…
Women in richer economies have greater choice, and with it increased control and influence. This continues to drive change and decision-making but globally the battle for female equality has a long road to travel. Debates about equal rights for women…
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Flooded Cities (2025)
Flooded Cities (2025)
The vast majority of our cities are not prepared for…
The vast majority of our cities are not prepared for…
The vast majority of our cities are not prepared for flooding. Many districts and households can no longer get flood…
The vast majority of our cities are not prepared for flooding. Many districts and households can no longer get flood insurance and are in jeopardy. It’s going to get worse…
The vast majority of our cities are not prepared for flooding. Many districts and households can no longer get flood insurance and are in jeopardy. It’s going to get worse before it gets better. 2015 was the warmest year on…
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Food Waste (2025)
Food Waste (2025)
30-50% of our food is wasted either in the supply…
30-50% of our food is wasted either in the supply…
30-50% of our food is wasted either in the supply chain or in consumption and could feed another 3 billion.…
30-50% of our food is wasted either in the supply chain or in consumption and could feed another 3 billion. Optimising distribution and storage in developing countries and enabling better…
30-50% of our food is wasted either in the supply chain or in consumption and could feed another 3 billion. Optimising distribution and storage in developing countries and enabling better consumer information in others could solve this. We live in…
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Full Cost (2025)
Full Cost (2025)
Increasing transparency of society’s reliance on nature, intensify requirements for…
Increasing transparency of society’s reliance on nature, intensify requirements for…
Increasing transparency of society’s reliance on nature, intensify requirements for business to pay the true cost of the resources provided…
Increasing transparency of society’s reliance on nature, intensify requirements for business to pay the true cost of the resources provided by ‘natural capital’ and so compensate for their negative impact…
Increasing transparency of society’s reliance on nature, intensify requirements for business to pay the true cost of the resources provided by ‘natural capital’ and so compensate for their negative impact on society. In many of today’s commercial activities with historical…
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Human Touch (2025)
Human Touch (2025)
As service provision and consumption becomes ever more digital, automated…
As service provision and consumption becomes ever more digital, automated…
As service provision and consumption becomes ever more digital, automated and algorithmic, those brands that can offer more emotional engagement…
As service provision and consumption becomes ever more digital, automated and algorithmic, those brands that can offer more emotional engagement and human-to-human contact become increasingly attractive. Since the Industrial revolution,…
As service provision and consumption becomes ever more digital, automated and algorithmic, those brands that can offer more emotional engagement and human-to-human contact become increasingly attractive. Since the Industrial revolution, the world has become more automated. In the 19th century,…
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Imbalanced Population Growth (2025)
Imbalanced Population Growth (2025)
A growing population adds another billion people but it is…
A growing population adds another billion people but it is…
A growing population adds another billion people but it is also rapidly ageing: a child born next year will live…
A growing population adds another billion people but it is also rapidly ageing: a child born next year will live 6 months longer than one born today. While migration helps…
A growing population adds another billion people but it is also rapidly ageing: a child born next year will live 6 months longer than one born today. While migration helps to rebalance, increasing dependency ratios challenge many. While there are…
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Infrastructure Deficit (2025)
Infrastructure Deficit (2025)
Infrastructure again becomes a source of competitive advantage. Emerging economies…
Infrastructure again becomes a source of competitive advantage. Emerging economies…
Infrastructure again becomes a source of competitive advantage. Emerging economies invest in new railroads and highways for more effective movement…
Infrastructure again becomes a source of competitive advantage. Emerging economies invest in new railroads and highways for more effective movement of people and goods, while developed nations suffer from poor…
Infrastructure again becomes a source of competitive advantage. Emerging economies invest in new railroads and highways for more effective movement of people and goods, while developed nations suffer from poor legacy. Infrastructure - ports, pipelines, hospitals, highways, water, sewage and…
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Intra-City Collaboration (2025)
Intra-City Collaboration (2025)
Increasing competition between cities overrides national boundaries and drives change.…
Increasing competition between cities overrides national boundaries and drives change.…
Increasing competition between cities overrides national boundaries and drives change. They compete to attract the best but also collaborate to…
Increasing competition between cities overrides national boundaries and drives change. They compete to attract the best but also collaborate to avoid the downside of success – over-crowding, under-resourcing and pollution.…
Increasing competition between cities overrides national boundaries and drives change. They compete to attract the best but also collaborate to avoid the downside of success – over-crowding, under-resourcing and pollution. Global trade and power is generally defined between governments at…
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Keeping The Faith
Keeping The Faith
As people move they take their beliefs with them. For…
As people move they take their beliefs with them. For…
As people move they take their beliefs with them. For many, religion is one of the few aspects of their…
As people move they take their beliefs with them. For many, religion is one of the few aspects of their previous life, a key to their sense of identity -…
As people move they take their beliefs with them. For many, religion is one of the few aspects of their previous life, a key to their sense of identity - stronger than the citizenship of their adopted country or the…
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Mass Engagement (2025)
Mass Engagement (2025)
As the public voice becomes easier to access and harder…
As the public voice becomes easier to access and harder…
As the public voice becomes easier to access and harder to suppress, leaders seek to engage to create, develop, secure…
As the public voice becomes easier to access and harder to suppress, leaders seek to engage to create, develop, secure and maintain legitimacy for their initiatives and policies – so…
As the public voice becomes easier to access and harder to suppress, leaders seek to engage to create, develop, secure and maintain legitimacy for their initiatives and policies – so further reducing their hierarchical power. Every since homo sapiens first…
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Nature’s Capital (2025)
Nature’s Capital (2025)
In the Anthropocene, humankind is presiding over the Earth's sixth…
In the Anthropocene, humankind is presiding over the Earth's sixth…
In the Anthropocene, humankind is presiding over the Earth's sixth major extinction. But as biodiversity declines, nature becomes increasingly valued…
In the Anthropocene, humankind is presiding over the Earth's sixth major extinction. But as biodiversity declines, nature becomes increasingly valued and valuable. We live in the Anthropocene, the proposed epoch that begins when…
In the Anthropocene, humankind is presiding over the Earth's sixth major extinction. But as biodiversity declines, nature becomes increasingly valued and valuable. We live in the Anthropocene, the proposed epoch that begins when human activities started to have a significant global impact on Earth's geology and…
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Off grid (2025)
Off grid (2025)
People living off-grid, by inequality or choice, can exacerbate societal…
People living off-grid, by inequality or choice, can exacerbate societal…
People living off-grid, by inequality or choice, can exacerbate societal division or improve privacy, health and wellbeing. Either way, doing…
People living off-grid, by inequality or choice, can exacerbate societal division or improve privacy, health and wellbeing. Either way, doing so provides fertile ground for innovation. The world and humanity…
People living off-grid, by inequality or choice, can exacerbate societal division or improve privacy, health and wellbeing. Either way, doing so provides fertile ground for innovation. The world and humanity are unquestionably more connected than ever before. The Industrial and…
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Open Supply Webs (2025)
Open Supply Webs (2025)
The shift from centralised production to decentralised manufacturing drives many…
The shift from centralised production to decentralised manufacturing drives many…
The shift from centralised production to decentralised manufacturing drives many to take a ‘smaller and distributed’ approach: Global supply chains…
The shift from centralised production to decentralised manufacturing drives many to take a ‘smaller and distributed’ approach: Global supply chains are replaced by more regional, consumer-orientated supply webs and networks.…
The shift from centralised production to decentralised manufacturing drives many to take a ‘smaller and distributed’ approach: Global supply chains are replaced by more regional, consumer-orientated supply webs and networks. In the past companies have sought to manage their own…
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Optimising Last Mile Delivery (2025)
Optimising Last Mile Delivery (2025)
Seamless, integrated and shared last-mile delivery replaces inefficient competition and…
Seamless, integrated and shared last-mile delivery replaces inefficient competition and…
Seamless, integrated and shared last-mile delivery replaces inefficient competition and duplication of goods distribution. Greater efficiency in moving things is…
Seamless, integrated and shared last-mile delivery replaces inefficient competition and duplication of goods distribution. Greater efficiency in moving things is as important as in moving people and so a major…
Seamless, integrated and shared last-mile delivery replaces inefficient competition and duplication of goods distribution. Greater efficiency in moving things is as important as in moving people and so a major focus for innovation. In the complex world of logistics, vast…
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Organisation 3.0 (2025)
Organisation 3.0 (2025)
New forms of flatter, project-based, collaborative, virtual, informal organisations dominate…
New forms of flatter, project-based, collaborative, virtual, informal organisations dominate…
New forms of flatter, project-based, collaborative, virtual, informal organisations dominate - enabled by technology and a global mobile workforce. As…
New forms of flatter, project-based, collaborative, virtual, informal organisations dominate - enabled by technology and a global mobile workforce. As such the nature of work and the role of the…
New forms of flatter, project-based, collaborative, virtual, informal organisations dominate - enabled by technology and a global mobile workforce. As such the nature of work and the role of the organisation blurs. While there are many different types of organisation…
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Plastic Oceans (2025)
Plastic Oceans (2025)
There are increasing high levels of man-made pollution in many…
There are increasing high levels of man-made pollution in many…
There are increasing high levels of man-made pollution in many of the world’s seas and little actually disappears. By 2050 there…
There are increasing high levels of man-made pollution in many of the world’s seas and little actually disappears. By 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans. We…
There are increasing high levels of man-made pollution in many of the world’s seas and little actually disappears. By 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans. We live on a blue planet; the world’s oceans cover three…
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Privacy Regulation (2025)
Privacy Regulation (2025)
The push towards global standards, protocols and greater transparency is…
The push towards global standards, protocols and greater transparency is…
The push towards global standards, protocols and greater transparency is a focus for many nations driving proactive regulation, but others…
The push towards global standards, protocols and greater transparency is a focus for many nations driving proactive regulation, but others choose to opt-out of international agreements and go their own…
The push towards global standards, protocols and greater transparency is a focus for many nations driving proactive regulation, but others choose to opt-out of international agreements and go their own way. Technology has created a new type of geopolitical interaction.…
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Resource Constraints (2025)
Resource Constraints (2025)
Economic, physical and political shortages of key resources increase and…
Economic, physical and political shortages of key resources increase and…
Economic, physical and political shortages of key resources increase and drive increasing tension between and within countries. As we exceed…
Economic, physical and political shortages of key resources increase and drive increasing tension between and within countries. As we exceed the Earth’s natural thresholds, food and water receive as much…
Economic, physical and political shortages of key resources increase and drive increasing tension between and within countries. As we exceed the Earth’s natural thresholds, food and water receive as much focus as oil and gas People are concerned about the…
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Rise of Nimby (2025)
Rise of Nimby (2025)
Globalisation of trade and travel, with geopolitical shifts from North…
Globalisation of trade and travel, with geopolitical shifts from North…
Globalisation of trade and travel, with geopolitical shifts from North to South and from West to East, have delivered many…
Globalisation of trade and travel, with geopolitical shifts from North to South and from West to East, have delivered many benefits for some - but are causing clashes of cultures…
Globalisation of trade and travel, with geopolitical shifts from North to South and from West to East, have delivered many benefits for some - but are causing clashes of cultures and a perspective of political retrenchment for others. Through globalization,…
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Rising Youth Unemployment (2025)
Rising Youth Unemployment (2025)
With unemployment rates already over 50% in some nations, access…
With unemployment rates already over 50% in some nations, access…
With unemployment rates already over 50% in some nations, access to work is a rising barrier. Especially across North Africa,…
With unemployment rates already over 50% in some nations, access to work is a rising barrier. Especially across North Africa, the Middle East and southern Europe, a lost generation of…
With unemployment rates already over 50% in some nations, access to work is a rising barrier. Especially across North Africa, the Middle East and southern Europe, a lost generation of 100m young people fails to connect with or gain from…
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Shifting Power and Influence (2025)
Shifting Power and Influence (2025)
The centre of gravity of economic power continues shifting eastwards,…
The centre of gravity of economic power continues shifting eastwards,…
The centre of gravity of economic power continues shifting eastwards, back to where it was 2000 years ago. Recent superpowers…
The centre of gravity of economic power continues shifting eastwards, back to where it was 2000 years ago. Recent superpowers seek to moderate the pace of change but the realities…
The centre of gravity of economic power continues shifting eastwards, back to where it was 2000 years ago. Recent superpowers seek to moderate the pace of change but the realities of population and resource locations are immoveable. Are we are…
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Shrinking Middle (2025)
Shrinking Middle (2025)
While the global middle class grows, in the West increasing…
While the global middle class grows, in the West increasing…
While the global middle class grows, in the West increasing inequality for some drives a relative decline in middle-income populations.…
While the global middle class grows, in the West increasing inequality for some drives a relative decline in middle-income populations. Coupled with the erosion of secure jobs, the US in…
While the global middle class grows, in the West increasing inequality for some drives a relative decline in middle-income populations. Coupled with the erosion of secure jobs, the US in particular sees a steadily shrinking middle. When taking a global…
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Skills Concentrations (2025)
Skills Concentrations (2025)
The need to build and develop capabilities becomes increasingly challenging…
The need to build and develop capabilities becomes increasingly challenging…
The need to build and develop capabilities becomes increasingly challenging for companies and workers alike. Those who benefit from the…
The need to build and develop capabilities becomes increasingly challenging for companies and workers alike. Those who benefit from the high-skill reward opportunities remain a select group who move ahead…
The need to build and develop capabilities becomes increasingly challenging for companies and workers alike. Those who benefit from the high-skill reward opportunities remain a select group who move ahead of the urban pack. Across the world it is difficult…
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Sometimes Nomads (2025)
Sometimes Nomads (2025)
Elective migration, cheap travel, international knowledge sharing, and increasingly transient…
Elective migration, cheap travel, international knowledge sharing, and increasingly transient…
Elective migration, cheap travel, international knowledge sharing, and increasingly transient working models create connected nomads who mix the traditions of…
Elective migration, cheap travel, international knowledge sharing, and increasingly transient working models create connected nomads who mix the traditions of home with the values and customs of their host location.…
Elective migration, cheap travel, international knowledge sharing, and increasingly transient working models create connected nomads who mix the traditions of home with the values and customs of their host location. People move around for all sorts of different reasons, good…
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Speed to Scale (2025)
Speed to Scale (2025)
Greater global connectivity, growing consumer wealth and broader reach all…
Greater global connectivity, growing consumer wealth and broader reach all…
Greater global connectivity, growing consumer wealth and broader reach all combine to accelerate the time to 1bn customers and a…
Greater global connectivity, growing consumer wealth and broader reach all combine to accelerate the time to 1bn customers and a $10bn valuation for start-ups and new corporate ventures alike. Founded…
Greater global connectivity, growing consumer wealth and broader reach all combine to accelerate the time to 1bn customers and a $10bn valuation for start-ups and new corporate ventures alike. Founded in 2004, Facebook reached 500m users within six years and…
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Standards Driving Trade (2025)
Standards Driving Trade (2025)
International regulation is progressively aimed at freeing up trade and…
International regulation is progressively aimed at freeing up trade and…
International regulation is progressively aimed at freeing up trade and making it simpler and less bureaucratic – but there are…
International regulation is progressively aimed at freeing up trade and making it simpler and less bureaucratic – but there are a number of agreements, standards and protocols that some are…
International regulation is progressively aimed at freeing up trade and making it simpler and less bureaucratic – but there are a number of agreements, standards and protocols that some are seeing as increasingly constraining. As the world seeks to optimize…
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Still Being Stupid (2025)
Still Being Stupid (2025)
Despite a better understanding of the long-term challenges we face,…
Despite a better understanding of the long-term challenges we face,…
Despite a better understanding of the long-term challenges we face, we individually and collectively continue to make decisions that may…
Despite a better understanding of the long-term challenges we face, we individually and collectively continue to make decisions that may make sense in the short-term - but do not lead…
Despite a better understanding of the long-term challenges we face, we individually and collectively continue to make decisions that may make sense in the short-term - but do not lead to better longer-term consequences. The Doomsday Clock has been maintained…
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The Real Sharing Economy (2025)
The Real Sharing Economy (2025)
Increasing collaboration drives organisations to reconfigure based on social networks…
Increasing collaboration drives organisations to reconfigure based on social networks…
Increasing collaboration drives organisations to reconfigure based on social networks and impact. Real sharing enterprises, not driven by profits, seek…
Increasing collaboration drives organisations to reconfigure based on social networks and impact. Real sharing enterprises, not driven by profits, seek to share resources, knowledge, and decision-making responsibilities. Based on online…
Increasing collaboration drives organisations to reconfigure based on social networks and impact. Real sharing enterprises, not driven by profits, seek to share resources, knowledge, and decision-making responsibilities. Based on online marketplaces creating transparency of demand and matching to it supply,…
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The Rise of the Cult of China (2025)
The Rise of the Cult of China (2025)
As China’s economic influence on the world increases there is…
As China’s economic influence on the world increases there is…
As China’s economic influence on the world increases there is a rise in the cult of China in popular imaginations…
As China’s economic influence on the world increases there is a rise in the cult of China in popular imaginations elsewhere. Myths of both hope and fear will proliferate as…
As China’s economic influence on the world increases there is a rise in the cult of China in popular imaginations elsewhere. Myths of both hope and fear will proliferate as China’s cultural influence increases. It’s a platitude to say that…
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Urban Obesity (2025)
Urban Obesity (2025)
Mass urbanisation, reduced activity and poor diets are accelerating the…
Mass urbanisation, reduced activity and poor diets are accelerating the…
Mass urbanisation, reduced activity and poor diets are accelerating the rise of obesity. Levels of obesity in most cities are…
Mass urbanisation, reduced activity and poor diets are accelerating the rise of obesity. Levels of obesity in most cities are growing fast and the associated healthcare burden will soon account…
Mass urbanisation, reduced activity and poor diets are accelerating the rise of obesity. Levels of obesity in most cities are growing fast and the associated healthcare burden will soon account for 5% of global GDP. The obesity epidemic has been…
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Value of Data (2025)
Value of Data (2025)
As organisations try to retain as much information about their…
As organisations try to retain as much information about their…
As organisations try to retain as much information about their customers as possible, data becomes a currency with a value…
As organisations try to retain as much information about their customers as possible, data becomes a currency with a value and a price. It therefore requires a marketplace where anything…
As organisations try to retain as much information about their customers as possible, data becomes a currency with a value and a price. It therefore requires a marketplace where anything that is information is represented. It has never been easier…
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Working Longer (2025)
Working Longer (2025)
People are having to work for to support longer retirements.…
People are having to work for to support longer retirements.…
People are having to work for to support longer retirements. Flexible working practices and policies are emerging, but some employers…
People are having to work for to support longer retirements. Flexible working practices and policies are emerging, but some employers continue to remain ambivalent about older workers. People are staying…
People are having to work for to support longer retirements. Flexible working practices and policies are emerging, but some employers continue to remain ambivalent about older workers. People are staying in the workforce longer. In Europe, 50% of 55-64 year-olds…
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Future value of data world map infographic 2018
Future value of data world map infographic 2018
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The world in 2020 – The 10 year perspective
The world in 2020 – The 10 year perspective
The World in 2020 – The Ten Year Perspective A…
The World in 2020 – The Ten Year Perspective A…
The World in 2020 – The Ten Year Perspective A Review of Insights from Multiple Expert Discussions in 2010 31…
The World in 2020 – The Ten Year Perspective A Review of Insights from Multiple Expert Discussions in 2010 31 December 2018
The World in 2020 – The Ten Year Perspective A Review of Insights from Multiple Expert Discussions in 2010 31 December 2018
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Performance measures become increasingly more regional and country specific and local values are prioritised. But, as many Asian organisations become regional global players they also play down national credentials.
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10 Seconds of Attention
10 Seconds of Attention
Increased consumer choices and channels leave brands fighting for 10 seconds of attention. A new paradigm will emerge, based on dynamic, fast-moving, calls to ac4on rather than long-term relationships with delayed rewards.
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A 3D View of Payments
A 3D View of Payments
Technology will allow multiple variables to be compared in real-time, producing a 3D view allowing traders to consider what they are buying, why they are buying it and the impact that this may have instantaneously.
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A Data Marketplace
A Data Marketplace
Data is a currency, it has a value and a price, and therefore requires a market place. An ecosystem for trading data is emerging and anything that is information is represented in a new data marketplace.
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A New Operating Environment
A New Operating Environment
The influence of non-state actors has expanded. Jurisdiction has grown beyond boundaries and technological change has outpaced society. The role of the state has had to evolve and to succeed in this new operating environmen.
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A New Order?
A New Order?
We are witnessing the transition to a new order: New national interests, new trading routes, new products / services are all emerging. How to ensure the development of trade in this environment will be key to success.
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